Wednesday 16 May 2012

Online Television Games

Cartoon Network Game Advertisement on Website
Online Television Games

Alongside some of the television channels adding games to their broadcasts, they have also dedicated games to their own website which link in with what they are broadcasting. This has been done for many years now where a television channel will have its own dedicated website for games to host the cartoons & programs on their channel. Examples of these websites are:

These are games which closely link into what the programs they broadcast are about. They are normally browser games where they will can be played within a browser and don't require much processing power, or graphical power as it is handled from the website server, no downloads are needed and it can be played at any time. These types of games normally work the same as mix between television games & online PC games, where they have limited functions & are quite basic however you can use a keyboard and mouse. 

  • Keyboard and mouse operated
  • Run through a dedicated browser
  • Most computers can handle them easily
  • No downloads needed, click and play
  • Mostly children orientated
  • Output sound 2.1 sound support
  • Saving features in the cookies
  • Simple & easy to find and use

  • Some games require a Java client download
  • Older computers may not have the requirements for the games
  • Screen resolution can affect game looks
  • Too simplistic in some ways
  • Long loading times depending on ISP and download speed/bandwidth
  • Can't play with friends as Multiplayer is limited
  • Can sometimes contain viruses & malware
  • Lots of advertisements at times

